TRANSITFLEXFor receptions, corridors, offices and lockers.TransitFLEX is heterogeneous vinyl sheet which features realistic wood grains. Offering a High Commercial rating, TransitFLEX range is robust enough to be installed in areas of high…


YOGADeveloped for Stretching, Yoga, Pilates and BodyMind.Premium flooring created for activities and exercises where it is needed to use the floor as a carpet, without individual mats, for stretching and others…


ZONNAXENJOY WHILE YOU TRAINChoose one of our circuits or create you own functional training circuit. Threre are no limits in the costumization of our gym fl ooring with markings. DOCUMENTS…


TURFLEXDesigned for intensive training, for functional training areas and more. TurFLEX can be customized 100%. It offers a natural grass visual and its installation is really easy, you can use doble…


TATAMI PROGym flooring for Martial Arts.Only the braves will absorb the impacts to gradually return the generated energy”TatamiPRO produced by PaviFLEX provides the perfect balance and protect against falls, allowing…


CONFORTSONICThe specific solution from PaviFLEX to reduce the structural vibrations and acoustic transmissions caused by the free fall of weight in the ground.The ConfortSONIC tiles have been developed to be…


POWERFLEXPortable platform for floor protection, impact absorption, noise reduction produced by weights falling. Produced with MAT030 material, PowerFLEX is a very useful portable platform to protect the existing surface and absorb…


MAT030THE GUARDIAN OF SILENCE  Perfect flooring for acoustic isolation. Developed for all intensive use activity with heavy equipment and freeweights, including Cross Training.MAT 30mm has been developed for acoustic isolation thanks to…